Charles and Rommell (Rommell was assisting Charles with the presentation of materials) did a pretty good job and they put up a captivating show (not like there were lions jumping through rings of fire or anything). Among the key points Charles stressed on were (and of course this is his opinion based on his experience):
- Ignore all the negative rep. the media is spreading on real estate and real estate investing. The best time to get into real estate is always now
- Shoot to pay the interest and not the principal first
- Borrow smart
- Make sure you get the most bang out of your buck. Financing 10 houses with a million dollars down makes more sense than paying off one house worth a million dollars (There is some math involved in this)
The presentation is available on the NSBE Yahoo Group
As always the meeting was a blast. The nominations went smoothly and speeches/elections will be held during the next meeting. Feel free to nominate anyone or yourself for any of the following positions before the next meeting if you wish to (President, Vice President, Communications Chair, Finance Chair, Membership Chair, Programs Chair, PCI Chair). Look out for the following upcoming events:
June 1st 2007: Power lunch at Uncle Franks BBQ in
June 16th & 17th 2007: Juneteenth festivities at Cesar Chavez park. Silicon Valley NSBE will have a booth and will display a line following robot and hold workshops on sensors.
July 7th 2007: Annual Summer BBQ. Location TBD
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