Ijeoma is all about justice to the hardworking waiters and waitresses: Affirmative
Alex ordered fries and they were delicious: Wrong
Alex’s fries never left the kitchen: Correct
The fact that Alex didn’t get his fries makes Uncle Franks BBQ a bad eatery: Incorrect
Alex was mad he didn’t get his fries: False
Alex will be back at Uncle Franks and he thought it was the best food ever: Hell Yeah!

Dez didn’t like his smoked chicken at all: Correct
Dez likes most types of foods at most restaurants: cough cough COUGH COUGH
Jana’s name is spelt like the old Jana’s name: eeer, I don’t see how that couldn’t be any truer
Diego was all over his brisket: Incorrect. Diego was ALL OVER his brisket!
Elvis talks too damn much: Correct
Jennifer and Dez were playing with other people’s food: Correct

Uncle Franks BBQ is hidden behind a little dive bar: Correct
You have to walk through the dive bar to get to where the magic happens: Correct
Ola is ready to let the Nigerian Nightmare terrorize the masses once Season 3 indoor soccer starts: Correct
Jennifer is just about to achieve
Rene’ will sue you for $200: Correct
A lot of items above appear to be extremely random and out of place: Incorrect
NSBE folk really do love to do power lunch at BBQ places: Here’s the proof!
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