You win some, you lose some. We partly lost one. Maybe we should ban the man upstairs from crying – this rain thing seems to get too much into the way of a lot of thing; traffic, outdoors playtime, makeup, May power lunch coming out party, restaurant seating … Yes. Rain does get in the way of restaurant seating.
Faultline Brewing in
Sunnyvale is an okay joint, their portions may be a little questionable … but then again if you are a pig (like me) then everyone’s portions are questionable; but some are more questionable than others but I digress. Faultline is an okay joint … except for the maitre d who was more of an embarrassment to the
holy code of honor that all maitre ds live by. Her vision of seating the masses during the Friday lunch rush was exceptionally flawed and for a minute I thought she might want to test the waters that are “how high can my pitch really go”

Rough start – smooth ending. Good conversation as always. Great food. Scratch that. Rationed great food. Sad to see that the famed research triangle park may soon be responsible for poaching Craig but … we’ll try and survive. Got any favorite places you would like to suggest for power lunch? Pass the word on. See you next first Friday of next month.

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