I digress a lot. Power lunch was over at a Mongolian BBQ place in Santa Clara a couple of blocks away from the DMV. I personally have been to this place several times and one thing I have to say about the owners of the place is that they are definitely the most chipper people I have ever met. They are always smiling, always so friendly, the food is nice, the bathrooms have that freaking soothing nature music that makes you just wanna sleep in there or something (insert your favorite activity here). No I have not been paid to endorse this place. I will let YELP do the advertising.

Well power lunch has quite some ways since June. I remember 4 people showing up for the first one! That was something. Since then the attendance has held steady between 8 and 10 attendees. One might say that we are definitely not growing in power lunch attendance numbers (statistically this is true) but I defy that thought process and declare the power lunches a huge success. What amazes me about the power lunches is that ever since June, I have always met at least one new person whose name was not on any NSBE roster that I have seen in my short NSBE years. What makes this a big deal is the fact that I know a WHOOLLE ton of people (being a member of the board and having access a lot of databases) yet new people always show up somehow from somewhere out in the blue.

Generally most of the people who show up meet at least three new people every month (if not 8 or 9). You could call it NSBE speed networking without the pressure. Subjectively speaking, I can only say that I am awed at the success of this event. With every first Friday of the month comes an automatic addition into the tighter circle of my associates, the people who will most likely play a very instrumental part as I advance onto the next step of my career, people who I play soccer with in the parks on weekends, people who inform me of events from which I grow in multiple facets of life … put it plainly - it is ridiculously amazing.

OK, corny touchy feeling post is over. Enjoy the pictures. Stay safe. See you next power lunch on either the 3rd or 10th of November (FRC will be held from the 3rd to the 5th of Novemver and as such the power lunch may be moved). Stay safe. Play smart.
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