We got to vote on the team color and name; red and black stars respectively. Kwasi was pretty stoked about the team name (for those of you who don’t know, the Ghana team is called “The Black Stars”) – Do you think that it is ironic that he was wearing a Ghana Black Stars Jersey at the park?

Anyway, the games are gonna be every Friday starting on the 10th of November. We are a coed team signed up at the MVP arena. If you would like to join, Jessica’s the contact (littlejp52@yahoo.com).

The practice session was great. We held it at the park next to Rivermark Plaza (this should be the location of future practices I believe??) after which we all strolled over to Jamba Juice and Chipotle for a good filling and some team bonding conversation. Games start 11.10.06 – If you are down, you know who to call. With the NIGERIAN NIGHTMARE aka Dez on our side + the KENYAN WANNABE NIGHTMARE at goalie all other sides are guaranteed to flop. Guarantee!
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