The second annual BBQ of the Silicon Valley Chapter of the NSBE Alumni Extension was another great success! If you were there, you’d know that already. This time around we were in East San Jose, taking a reprieve from last year's location in super-South San Jose. For this year’s BBQ, we partnered with three other local organizations:
The African Network (TAN), the
Black Recruiter’s Network (BRN), and
Onyx - Bay Area Black Professionals. The purpose of this event, as was the purpose last year, was to promote the recognition and existence of the Silicon Valley Chapter of the NSBE Alumni Extension. Every now and then, in the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's very refreshing to stop, take a deep breath, and say hello to those around you. As such, one of the most memorable aspects of this year's BBQ was the reuniting with familiar faces from events past.

The BBQ was held in the beautiful park known as
Emma Prusch Farm Park. Why is it called a Farm Park? Because it's an active farm!! (Go figure, right?) The wild chicken, roosters, and the occasional roaming peacock certainly set the tone for the vibe of a farm. And those were just the animals that wandered over to our area. Additionally, inactive (active...?) barns dotted the park, and a fully functioning community garden served as the park's reception area to all park entrants.

Chapter Vice President, Alex, took one for the team and spent most of the morning and some of the afternoon absorbing and inhaling the heat and smoke of the grill. If only he had thought to bring a "Kiss the Chef" apron, perhaps he would have be better rewarded.... Ah, there's always next year.

Much of the day was spent hiding out from the heat. Though not oppressively unbearable, the warmth of the Sun was rather energy-zapping when one was exposed beneath it for a long period of time. Those who arrived the earliest, near the start time of NOON (yeah, I was late too...) took the brunt of it. Thanks, guys!!

Shockingly, given the amount of Africans/Caribbeans in attendance, a soccer game did NOT result. Perhaps it was due to the field being out of site of the eating area? We'll note this for next year. Instead, there was a makeshift Ultimate Frisbee game on the massive field. I think this game is gaining in
unregulated popularity....

Since everyone was hiding out from the sun, card games unfolded. (Get it? "Unfolded"... that's original comedy right there.) The poker junkies huddled at their table, while another non-poker card game took place at an adjacent table. It's up in the air as to which was more riveting, but I'll just say that games involving real money are just a tad more enthralling. Personal preference.

People kept trickling in throughout the afternoon, which was great since we had so much food! G
ood f
ood, t
oo. (Wow, lots of double
o's PROVE how g
ood the f
ood was! Ok, I'll stop now.)

A great time was had by all. If you were there, we -- NSBE Alumni and all partnering affiliate groups -- were glad to have you. If you weren't there, you'd better come up with a good excuse when we interrogate you under a bright light at the 3rd Annual NSBE BBQ!
On a final note: Engineers should not be allowed on clean-up crews. See below.
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