A Pub Quiz outing is the perfect social event because you can invite lots and lots of people to participate, and all you’re simply doing is spicing up the staid dinner and post-dinner chit-chat. This is great for those who fail at social conversation. (Looks around sheepishly…) It forces you to open lines of communication with someone with whom you may have not yet spoken. See? It’s GREAT for NSBE-AE-SVC.

Thursday’s Pub Quiz brought out a large number of NSBE-AE-SVC members and quite a few guests. Meals and drinks were ordered, and a team name was decided upon. (“The Lofty Travistas”…no, not my idea, and the host couldn’t pronounce it. We’d have been better off being called the “Square Losers”. Sigh.) Microphone in hand, the game-show-ready host introduced all the teams (four, in total) and presented a series of questions. Round 1 challenged our retention of random-yet-useful knowledge (“What’s the capital of New Hampshire?” Don’t judge; you don’t know the answer either.). Round 2 challenged our recollection of famous movie lines. Round 3 gauged how much educational and trash TV we watched. (Who memorizes a picture of John Wilkes Booth?! My sister.) Round 4 tested our auditory absorption of current events.

Next time around, development of strategy will be our focus. For despite having twelve people at our table, we STILL LOST THE GAME!! Yeah, you heard that (read that…) right. A bunch of really loud guys (maybe there was a girl in their midst, who knows) at the bar beat our table by 3 or 4 points. And they got to have $30 taken of their bill as a reward! We only got $20 off of ours. *tear*
So now you know what a Pub Quiz is. Next time you see it on the NSBE-AE-SVC calendar, be there! (Or be square.)

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