Have you heard of Google? Its name is thrown around in the news every now and then, but you know never know with these startups. Well, the little company known as Google hosted our fine organization’s March meeting at their company headquarters in Mountain View. We were greeted with a very warm welcome consisting of correctly-spelled nametags, an abundant breakfast spread, as well as a first-class conference room for our meeting. Our hosts were pleased to be partnered with a NSBE group so…we’re definitely going back! A big round of applause for Miss Sun-Hee and Sir Taylor for playing such lovely hosts!

Molecular Diagnostics…what does that mean? It’s a project that Elvis is working on, and also the title of the presentation he gave at the meeting. In an attempt to introduce more hard-hitting and technologically-focused discussions to our monthly meetings, Elvis bit the bullet and put together an astoundingly detailed and (shockingly…cough, cough…) interesting yet informative explanation of his personal contributions to Cepheid, the company for which he works. Got questions about molecular diagnostics? Talk to the guy in the glasses covered in UCLA paraphernalia.

Also discussed were the changes to the GRE taking place over the summer of this year. A representative from Kaplan (code name: Kaplan Kelly) spent time going over the exact changes that will be incorporated in to the revised version of the GRE.
Breaking News!: It turns out that the new GRE will not happen after all. (No More New GRE!)
The meeting wrapped up with a reminder to sign up for the Walk for Education at nsbe.org and to RSVP for the NSBE Alumni Banquet. Please sign up for both!
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