The food sort activity this Wednesday was definitely much cleaner than last time. Renee was a little bit disappointed that it wasn’t as challenging as it was the first time around; damn overachiever! Diego actually pulled his act together, showed up on time and spent a record 0 minutes on the phone. Now if that doesn’t define success I don’t know what does. Dinner afterwards at Olive Garden was spectacular. I guess they really do make you feel like family there. I wont get into details but talk of beef medallions, the four ladies from sex in the city and waterfront properties had a lot of people cracking up ... some a little bit more than others ... being easily amused isn't exactly the worst thing that could happen to somebody.
This time around I thought I would present some statistics just to show what effect such an event has on our community. After all, any event held in the name of NSBE should be geared towards fulfilling the mission statement … the relevant part here being “… and to positively impact the community” Now the definition of “community” will vary from person to person … I’ll let you pick your own definition.
A lesson in demographics …
Ethnic breakdown of people receiving aid from Second Harvest
40% are Non-Hispanic White
38% are Non-Hispanic Black
17% are Latino or Hispanic
6% are American Indian, Alaskan Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
Breakdown of the US population by race
60% are Non-Hispanic White
12% are Non-Hispanic Black
14% are Latino or Hispanic
14% are classified as other
From this, we can see clearly that the black population is much much more reliant on food donations than any other racial group within the US. Gone are the days when we sit down and rely on African American public figures to help drive a positive socio-economic within our community– the Martin Luther Kings have been replaced by the Flavor Flavs, the Mohamed Alis have been replaced by the Mike Tysons and so on and so forth. NSBE IS trying to mass produce the new age MLK’s; are YOU on the bandwagon?
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