Well the game night started kind of crazy for me (crazy considering the fact that I got there at about 7:30 - the event was supposed to start at 6PM and I had a bunch of stuff that I needed to finish up on). So I walk in to Diego’s place and there's about 20 people already there and I am thinking to myself "way to go people, I knew this whole CPT thing was a myth". So anyway theres a whole bunch of people, some playing dominoes, others playing Keno?, speed, some game whose name I don’t know and others were out in the balcony.

The crowd was really cool and it was my first time seeing at least half of the people there. I got to chat it up with a couple of people - the crowd was from pretty diverse locations too - Indiana was represented, Philly was in the house, St. Louis, Chicago, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi, Nigeria - not to forget good old Cali.

The event went on really well - great company, good food (who am I kidding, franchise pizza is *DEFINITELY* not what you would call good food - you gotta live though. At least it wasn’t Top Ramen like it used to be back in the college days), nice background music, crazy games and it is amazing that by 1AM there were still 16 of us. Oooh, I forgot to mention, the guys won the "Battle of the sexes" game. YEAH for masculinity.

Anyway, we started playing "Scene it" at 1AM. It was an 8 on 8 team affair but it was clear at the end of the night that Trish’s team was like the Bulls of the 90s. It was more like Trish vs the other 8. She was on fire - Like the reincarnation of the "Scene-it" version of MJ. Needless to say Trish's team won and we all decided to do an everyone vs Trish "Scene-off" (If that isn’t one of the craziest puns you ever heard then I don’t know what is). All I have to say is MJ came through harder than Kobe's 81 points. Trish pulled a comeback victory against all 15 of us. Talk about freaking ESPN worthy stuff man. It was all highlight material.

The game night ended later on (or early Sunday morning). It was a great event - back to training camp for now - no way Trish is schooling us like she did again.
1 comment:
The blog is really cool! i luv how u compare little ole me to MJ of the 90's, especially since my last name is Jordan. anywhoo, i got lucky in Scene It! sorry i missed the happy hour but i was doing a favor for my sister-in-law and niece. i heard it went well, when is the next one?
how are things going for you? i hope all is well. ttyl
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