Friday, November 02, 2007

November Power Lunch

Where was everyone today?! The November Power Lunch was pretty incomplete without you. October's Power Lunch had an enormous turnout - we started getting our hopes up. These are some mighty attendance fluctuations; you'd better have a good excuse the next time I see you...

A group of six (then eventually five...too bad you had to go, Renee...) met at Corner Square restaurant for some Korean BBQ in Santa Clara on a beautiful warm and sunny afternoon. The problem: it took a bit of driving and a hefty amount of squinting to find the correct location of the restaurant. Perhaps next time we should let everyone know that we're going to a shopping center!

All in all, the food was great; everyone (except Jessica who got Mexican food next door) thought their dish was good. I'm sure most of us (but not Jessica) would go back there again.

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