Monday, October 22, 2007

... Silicon Valley AIDS Walk 2007 ...

Maybe not all bragging is bad bragging. TO celebrating a touchdown while his team is down 30 points = bad bragging. Some famous guy writing a book on how he would have done something bad to “someone he loved” had he done it … neither a good idea nor the good kind of bragging. Elvis doing his victory dance over Diego for beating him in the annual “lets see who will raise more money for a good cause –athon” … not classy but warranted, definitely not classy.

The day was as picturesque as can be … a great reminder of how good we have in it California … Jessica had her walking mojo on, Renee was in on a red clothing competition with a couple of other participants (Red apparently indicated support for AIDS), Alex V was the official walk hype man, Tari was the pretty boy (I kid you not on this one – one of the traffic control cops commented that he was “dressed for club AIDS walk”, Diego was late as always … where does it end.

So we may have set our goals a little too high this year. We came short of last year’s total money raised but the great news is that as a team we raised a percentage point of the total amount of money raised. We fell a little short given that African Americans make up 2.8% of the Santa Clara County population and that a huge number of all new HIV and AIDS cases come from within the African American community. I didn't say it, Oprah did. More work definitely needs to be done. No doubt about it.

The walk in itself was fun. We definitely had a good time hanging out and the trip to the Thai restaurant later on was a fun experience. HDTV football on big screen capped it all in a way that couldn’t be better summarized than by the mission statement itself … “positively impacting the community”

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