Sunday, July 30, 2006

... humble beginnings ...

So we just had our alumni executive board meeting and we discussed the agenda. Nothing unusual really, some talk about new board members, something about achieving a recognized non profit status, updates on AIDS walk, game night details, RLC stuff ... you know really mind blowing kind of stuff. The meeting was cool, lots of jokes as usual - Akili and Sean always get silly.

Anyway, I cant remember the exact series of events that led to the moment where idea of a blog was brought up, about all I remember is Drew saying "And we had always thought of having a NSBE blog" - Drew was the last SVC NSBE president before the collapse of the chapter - and I thought that it was a very noble idea so ... here we go!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the blog a lot. I got a chuckle out of the "before the collapse" part. For the record, folks, the dot-bomb hit Silicon Valley and decimated the Executive Board and membership ranks. We held on as long as we could! Glad to see the energy the new board is bringing to the SVC!