Saturday’s November NSBE Jr. meeting on the campus of
A speaker from Yahoo! discussed computers and practical applications in which computer science is used. Students listened intently as they learned of everyday applications that used computer science to make them work. After learning about computer science, the students were given the opportunity to actually write their own programs. Students at
Another activity that we all engaged in was the ‘Build-A-Bridge-That-Will-Hold-Massive-Weight-in-A-Relatively-Short-Period-of-Time’ Challenge. The techniques that the kids used to win the challenge were pretty interesting. The rules were not too stringent so the kids engaged in various over-the-top techniques to accomplish the complex task. This leads one to believe that these kids, while extremely motivated to follow the path of righteousness (we hope…), would be able to perform outstandingly well in future jobs by completing tasks “by any means necessary” with a few exceptions to the term “means”. We’ll see who wins the next event.
It’s the battle of the adults vs. the little whipper-snappers, the ancient-of-days vs. the Young and the Restless, the Dinosaurs (no disrespect to people 24 and above) vs. the newborns… Come out to the next PCI meeting to support your age group!!!!! Come out to support the Kids!!!!